Download Udemy course lecture videos to your computer for personal use.

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Udeler is a simple program for downloading Udemy Courses. This software does not magically download any paid course available on Udemy; you need to provide your Udemy login credentials to download the courses you have enrolled in.

Udeler downloads the lecture videos by simply using the source of the video player returned to the user by Udemy after proper authentication; you can also do the same manually.

This software is intended to help you download Udemy courses for personal use only. Sharing the content of your subscribed courses is strictly prohibited under Udemy Terms of Use.

This program received 1 award
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Faisal Umair
License type:
Open source
Kilerbean Last year

The owner sold it to Udemy.

mozart 2 years ago

Some apps are better left not upgraded.... and this is one of them.

Pubby 2 years ago

mozart, very true... It doesn't serve its purpose again.

Adrian 3 years ago

No Menu bar on the side either on Windows or a Mac. Where do the files get saved to?

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